I created my own anime characters back in 2007 after being inspired by other anime/manga. People tell me that im fairly good at drawing my characters and i think so too. But what i want to do is be able to draw them from any angle, pose, or action movement. I think that this would make it better. Stuff like their hands and toes too because i struggle with those alot. I read and watch anime like One Piece and Fairy Tail and i admire how they can draw those movements and make it look cool and it just catches my attention and is something that i admire. The anime Air Gear is a show where they do so many tough to draw movements and i want to be able to do that for my comic. Im constantly drawing pictures of my characters but i want to create more artistic pictures like this one {{{{{http://i3.squidoocdn.com/resize/squidoo_images/-1/draft_lens14723901module129250111photo_1301529393one-piece-art.jpg}}}}} or this one {{{{{http://img.phombo.com/img1/photocombo/3037/Air_Gear__46.jpg.}}}}} and yes, im trying to become a proffesional, but i still have ways to go. Im sorry that if i said arrogant or something else bad while asking for this, its just i really want to take my art to the next level. I appreciate ur responses. I REALLY do. Thanks!!!....oh, im 17 by the way