One of my paintings sold at an auction, it was a painting of telephone poles. I really liked the painting, I live in Los Angeles, the poles at sunset look comforting to me, and these days, utility poles are becoming archaic. My fellow artist friend said to me "Wow, you must really hate LA, these poles are saying f*ck you! They look so sarcastic and dark." I started to laugh, because I realized that even your best friends will sometimes not understand your pieces.
When you paint from the heart, the outside world is free to interpret what it will, we can't escape our subjective nature.
I found out later that my painting was sold to a good friend's sister, she didn't know that I'd painted it. When she found out, she called me and said "I can't believe you painted that, I love it! It's so beautiful, the colors really speak to me, it feels so authentically LA."
Once again, laughter, because 2 different people had experienced completely different reactions to the painting.
You can never control what people are going to think, it frees you up to make whatever you want, and enjoy making work. If they don't get it, it's your secret!