you've already been given such wonderful suggestions :-))
some more to broaden your scope :
-- go through old magazies; glossy paper would be preferrable. cut out some of the beautifully colored bits, fold lengthwise, breadthwise & then diagonally. then cut out the petal shape along the open edge. you can also cut out a tiny centre. then, when you open up the folds, you have a flower with 3D effect because of the folds. glue these only at the centre [for further 3D effect]. make them in all colours & shapes. similarly, make leaves, stems, bees, butterflies, birds, etc.
-- here are a few sites that have free instructions for paper flowers : -- paper roses - origami lily - origami lily with stem - origami iris - spiral roses - origami cherry/Sakura blossoms -- links to other sites, including pictures. -- for tissue paper carnations with a difference.
-- use sequins, beads, sand, nuts & bolts, styrofoam, pencil shavings, .... anything that you see lying around you, to create landscapes & flowers.
-- like others have said, make a collage. but do it the traditional way, without scissors! tear out petals, leaves, etc. from various types of paper, glossy, handmade, tissue, crepe, & so on to give you texture & glue. i prefer he scissor-less collage because it gives the picture a realistic feel & if you can merge the colors & textures successfully, you can never go wrong ;-))
- make prints with sculpted potato & other sliced vegetables [like in kindergarten, but raised to your skills obviously]. make it as detailed & intricate/complicated as you can.
- make stencils & spray paint.
-make a silhouette cut-out/stencil in black paper & glue it on plain colored paper, preferrably dark purple or something close to give a dusk-time effect.
here are some general suggestions i usually give - apply as required/desired:
you can change the same sketch by
- drawing close-ups, or 'long-shots'
- drawing realistically, in cartoon form or as fantasy forms
- changing the light source, direction & intensity, including night-time
- drawing only outlines or including shading & shadows [2-D v/s 3-D effect]
- using different types of pencils, charcoal, ..... &/or colors - water, oil, acrylic, crayons, pencils, glitter, glass paints, mosaic-work,....
- changing the perspective & angle
- using surrealism, cubism, abstract forms... ....
may be you can go wild ;-)) use diff techniques & media - including pastels, crayons, oils, cut-n-paste, mosaic, cartoon-drawing, symbolism, etc....
- check out old greeting cards, magazines, net images, comic books, etc. to get some ideas. use these ideas to create your own drawing.
- you could make a 'SERIES' of any one thing. different ways of going about it :
eg. flowers - have 15 different types of flowers in the 15 drawings;
or, have the same flower [eg. rose] but depicted in different ways - eg. in close-up, in a garden, with a bee humming over it, as a bouquet, in a dried-petal arrangement [glued] along with dried leaves/herbs, & so on;
or you could combine flowers with Moods - just like scent & color are known to be therapeutic or to arouse diff kinds of feelings/emotions.
or you could change the light source, light intensity, colors [from black n white to monochrome to multicolored]
hope these help too
all the very best & have fun :-)))
ADDITION : some more stuff to make flowers, etc. with :
-- pasta of various shapes, sizes, colors. u can add color later too.
-- crochet, tatting, knitting, lace floral motifs
-- satin &/or silk ribbons - u can even embroider an entire landscape with them.
-- pompons - they'd make good dandelions if you use white wool ;-))
-- pop-up flowers :