Here you go . . . a list for you:
1 - Draw a shoe
2 - Draw a desk lamp or other lamp
3 - Purses, Wallets or Bags
4 - Draw your mug or cup
5 - Draw your bed
6 - Draw your favorite well-loved object ... or a childhood toy
7 - Draw a bottle, jar or tin from the kitchen
8 - Draw your watch or other piece of jewelry
9 - Draw a bit of "organized chaos" - your messy desk, your table stacked with books, etc.
10 - Draw your hand or hands (or someone elses if you like)
11 - Draw your glasses or sunglasses
12 - Draw what you ate for dinner
13 - Draw your telephone (land line, cell, old-fashioned?)
14 - Draw what you see in the morning when you get up
15 - Draw a tree or trees, leaves or branches
16 - Draw a favorite tool
17 - Draw a musical instrument
18 - Draw the view from a window of your house, apartment, office, etc.
19 - Draw something you've made
20 - Draw something "Dad" - in honor of Fathers Day
21 - Draw something old, antique or vintage
22 - Draw a piece of clothing
23 - Draw your foot
24 - Draw a piece of fruit
25 - Draw a glass (the kind you drink from)
26 - Draw anything you like. If you want to draw a vegetable, that's fine, too.
27 - Draw a book or anything else you want.
28 - Draw an appliance or anything else you like.
29 - Draw something architectural or anything else.
30 - Draw a chair or anything else you feel like.
31 - Draw something you collect
32 - Draw something metallic
33- Draw an eye
34 - Draw a fall leaf
35 - Draw a bicycle or a part of one
36 - Draw out in public
37 - Draw some keys
38 - Draw something related to Halloween, All Souls Day, Dia de los Muertos, All Saints, etc.
38 - month long challenge until end of November 2005 - draw at a museum
39 - Draw your toothbrush
40 - Draw something with folds
41 - Draw a landmark of your city
42 - Draw something you are thankful for
43 - Draw something china or ceramic
44 - Draw an animal - a pet, a zoo animal, a stuffed one ...
45 - Draw your medicine cabinet (the inside of it)
46 - Draw something holiday themed (Hanukah, Christmas, Kwanzaa, winter solstice)
47 - Draw a challenge from the past year 1-46 that you didn't try before
48 - Draw something that represents your new year's goal or resolution
49 - Draw your refrigerator interior (and contents) or exterior (and what's on the door)
50 - Draw your home's entryway and journal your thoughts and feelings about "homecoming."
51 - Draw your TV and favorite show playing. Journal about why you like that show etc.
52 - Draw a dog (yours or a friends or anyone's) and journal about your dog relationships.
53 - Draw a mouth and journal about speaking out or holding one's tongue ...
54 - Draw someone or something you love - and journal about it.
55 - Draw a doorknob, plain or fancy
56 - Draw a self portrait
57 - Draw a picture frame and the picture in it. Write about why it's special to you.
58 - Draw a hat, cap or other headgear. is it sentimental? Write about it.
59 - Draw a sign or spring (or fall if you live in the southern hemisphere.)
60 - Draw an automobile or a part of one
61 - Draw a grouping of 2 or more of similar objects
62 - Draw a previous challenge in a different medium than you usually use.
63 - Go on a nature walk, pick up items, draw what you find
64 - Draw your sink - at home, work or wherever
65 - Draw your nose, a friend's or a strangers. Or a pet's.
66 - Draw a fire hydrant and make a journal entry about fire fighters
67 - Draw something Mom - your mother, something that reminds you of motherhood. Journal, too.
68 - Draw your computer
69 - Draw a beverage and write a little about it.
70 - Draw what you're afraid of. Write about it, if you dare.
71 - Draw something representing your favorite sport.
72 - Draw somewhere new. Go somewhere new to you and draw what you find. Write about it, too.
73 - Draw a mailbox and write about the most important piece of real world mail you've ever received(not email - snail mail.)
74 - Draw some clouds and write about them
75 - Draw the ingredients and/or process of a favorite recipe - and journal about it.
76 - Draw some flowers (or colorful showy foliage if you're in the S. hemisphere and don't find flowers in bloom.)
77 - Draw something cold or cool. Chill, people.
78 - Draw a souvenir of a place you've been. journal a bit about your memories of the place.
79 - Draw an ear, or two or three or more
80 - Draw something that makes you happy, and write about it, too.
81 - Draw a streetlight
82 - Draw your artspace - drawing board, desk, studio, table - draw where you create.
83 - Draw a nearby body of water - ocean, lake, pond, river
84 - Draw some bread and write about it if you like.
85 - Draw a store in your neighborhood - inside, outside or both.
86 - Draw a traffic sign
87 - Draw your lunch and journal about it.
88 - Draw something breezy - something that blows in the wind - a flag, leaves, your choice...
89 - Draw a button or buttons
90 - Draw something with wings
91 - Draw an apple
92 - Draw a brown paper bag
93 - Draw an egg carton, with or without eggs in it.
94 - Draw a spoon and journal a little about it
95 - Draw a holiday card
96 - Draw something sweet
97 - Draw a present you have received. Why is it special?
98 - Free choice. Draw anything you like. We're all busy before the holidays.
99 - Draw something that represents a new years resolution of yours
100 - Draw or paint a landscape
101 - Draw a bar of soap
102 - Draw a power plug
103 - Draw some exercise equipment you use.
104 - Draw some salt and pepper shakers
105 - Draw some scissors
106 - Draw something tart or sour
107 - Draw how you get your news
108 - Draw a light bulb or several
109 - Draw a clock you have around the house
110 - Draw something with a flame or flames
111- Draw a bowl
112 - Draw something fresh
113 - Draw a fence and write about fences in your life
114 - Draw something ugly that you love and keep for sentimental reasons.
115 - Draw a shopping cart or basket
116 - Draw something green
117 - Draw something round
118 - Draw hair or something with hair
119 - Draw some rocks
120 - Draw a flashlight
121 - Draw some coins and journal about youthful memories regarding coins