2012-05-06 13:51:51 UTC
So question: Which iPad vector drawing app will give me an experience similar to drawing in Adobe Flash Professional (No animation, just drawing)?
More details:
- Money doesn't matter too much. I have $15 in my account for this.
- The more manipulating lines is like Flash the better. Selecting and moving lines, dragging the ends of them around, dragging the middle around to bend them. The ability to fix a line instead of undo/redraw is the main thing I want. Although I liked how smooth Flash made line manipulation, if a pen tool is all that's out there I'd live with that. Pen tool is a bit clunky to use IMO but it's better than undo/redraw.
- Filling areas to make "shapes" would be really nice, but not totally necessary. Same thing with using a selection tool to grab half of something to cut it in half.
- Shape tools don't matter at all. I'm interested in drawing anime style things, so a square tool isn't going to be helpful very often.
- Layers! I need them. Although, if overlapping lines didn't fuse them together like in Flash, I could probably live with a very small amount of layers. Line fusing when they crossed was the one thing I didn't like about Flash.
- I have an original iPad, but I'm not worried about performance. If I like the app but am limited by my hardware, it will just give me another reason to buy a new iPad. :3