* " When a Site to Be, enters the Mind of the Would Be designer, a Solemn PLedge has to become a binding factor... That nothing one's to publish... Will consiously offend anyone. Not ON - , or OFFline.
* Under no circomstance may, this fragile little concept.........
............... Of an Idea, be raped in the Womb so to speak.....
* Not just any old Speak will psyche us all into a Hype you know.....
* Admin's ready to attack more criminal Junk anywhere in the Galaxy, then we stand a chance to survive Mother Nature's upcoming onslaught, when I look at the Weather in Holland....
Taking Cracks at Crackpots, usually make me want to Crack Wiseguys over Global Warming...
Any site that will hold the Fort agains Bored Weblife needs that extra... that Lures People straight into the Cuddly Safe, and undisturbed embrace, of a Long Life Inside The Web....
Not just Any Guru, can Deal A Joker in a Poker Deck."
Says IN ( means:' I have Ideological licence to speak for Web Women in collective mode. Men too, I'm a matey of the Big Drop.... Not just everybody can roam in the Catacombes of Dropping Knowledge.. We would have been Dust acattered as far as Andromeda if it weren't for the Drop.")
Germs..... However.... Web based Next over Next over Next F's in full Nana Nano Glory, can act as .......
Personal Computer a Person? Fact or Fiction......
Fictionalists, do not count their blessings when the going isn't just Tough....... They are Fiction........
How about it.... Want to buy me in? for a share of The Globes Laughter? Not for a Ziljon Laughs I'd stick my neck out for a Firewall's Wet dream...... And my Dream of A Free Intergalactic Founders Conference of Worthy Inheriters to the Universal Key To All knowledge