2011-11-26 08:25:04 UTC
Someone of the questions we brainstormed were can anyone draw? when does a drawing become a painting? is the whole world a drawing? is a line a drawing? can writing even be a drawing? can negative space be a drawing?
I was thinking about accidental/unintential drawings like spills, mud footprints, food stains coffee cup stains, even scars are drawings and how they all somehow tell a story...but i dont know how i could turn it into a question.
I was thinking: do drawings have story?
or are drawings just basically marks?
are drawings best when they are unintentional 'accidents (just because they tell a story)?
some of the most interesting drawings occur naturally around us?
we are always making drawings and yet we don't realise it - and these ones are perhaps the most interesting?
drawings dont require thought they just happen
everything makes drawings
i really like the idea of scars being drawings of out past...but i dont know what the question could be regarding what drawing is
otherwise i was thinking of emotions i.e
drawing as a way of expressing emotions i.e boredom, happiness, love etc...